White to White

March 16, 2009

Looking back I noticed that as soon as the daffodils are out across the street, that means that we may get a good snow, if not down here in the city, then at least up on the top of the mountain.

Today I grabbed the "spare" camera that I carry in the car and took a couple of shots because quite frankly, it's time to keep writing and remembering. The faster we go, the harder it is to remember what happened yesterday, much lest last week.

Bloosoms in Spring

If you follow the line of the trees to the top of the mountain, you might see a bit of white up there, part of what I'd guess is 4 or 5 inches of new snow. The mountain at Santa Fe reported 8 inches from the storm that blew through on Friday, and then we also had a touch of frost on the mountain on Saturday.

Today however, I am celebrating a different kind of white, all of which is within a couple of feet of my building enterance.

The weatherman is calling this week for temps in the mid 70's. I suppose it's time to put away the skis and get out the convertable and the harley.